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Visual artist

I am Teresa Arroyo Corcobado, a Spanish illustrator and visual artist. Since an early age, I have always felt the need to move away from my small city of birth in order to explore new places. I have lived in Madrid, Edinburgh, Granada, Seville and Brussels, where I specialised in illustration and where I have lived for 8 years. Currently I am based in beautiful and inspiring Cáceres.

A foot in Belgium and another in Spain, I work as a freelance illustrator and my work has been selected in art competitions and exhibited in both countries and beyond.

On commission, I work mostly on editorial illustrations, children books, posters and textiles. But I also love working on self-initiated side-projects. 

For more information, commissions or just to say hello, please contact me at I would love to hear from you!

MY SERVICES ~ Visual Artist



As an illustrator:

~ I invente stories and I make illustrations for children books.

~ I develop conceptual illustrations for:

~ I design mural illustrations and window displays.


Graphic Design

As a graphic designer, I create graphic solutions across the different disciplines.

I specialize in:

~ Visual identity

~ Editorial design

~ Infographics and visual thinking


Artistic Workshops

I have been conducting artistic workshops for a long time now. I propose different kinds of workshops for children and adults adapted to all kinds of spaces and subjects (learning the basics of illustration, developing narrative and graphic abilities, and exploring the relationship between text and image in a picture-book, experimenting with the different techniques…)

Sometimes the workshops are held at my workplace, but I also conduct them at schools, artistic and cultural associations, libraries or even outdoors.

If you would like to get in touch regarding any workshop or if you or if you want me to create a workshop proposal. You can reach me at


  • 2019-2020 ~ Máster Universitario en Formación del profesorado de ESO y Bachillerato, FP y Enseñanzas de idiomas - Especialidad Artes Plásticas. Universidad Internacional de La Rioja (UNIR-La Universidad en Internet)

  • 2015-2017 ~ Two years PhD - Doctorat en Art et Sciences de l’art. Académie Royale des Beaux - Arts de Bruxelles (Arba-Esa) and Université Libre de Bruxelles (ULB). Brussels,  Belgium.

  • 2015 - 2017 ~ Bookbinding. Académie des Beaux-Arts Jean-Jacques Gailliard, Brussels, Belgium.

  • 2012-2014 ~ MA in illustration (research focus). Arba-Esa and ULB, Brussels, Belgium.

  • 2011-2012 ~ Bachelor’s degree. Bachelor of Fine Arts. 3rd year Erasmus. Arba-Esa, Brussels, Belgium.

  • 2009-2011 ~ Bachelor’s degree. Bachelor of Fine Arts. Granada University, Spain.

  • 2008-2009 ~ Multidisciplinary artistic education. Edinburgh College of Art, Scotland, UK.

  • 2005-2008 ~ Bachelor’s degree. Graphic Design. Istituto Europeo di Design, Madrid. Spain.


  • 2018 ~ Portrait Cartographique. Plataforme culturelle Le Vecteur. Charleroi, Bélgica.


  • 2021 ~ VII Edición Feria Arte Aparte 2021. Curated by Espacio Belleartes. Cáceres, España.

  • 2018 ~ Feria Flecha 2018. Curated by Galería Felcha. Centro comercial Arturo Soria, Madrid, España.

  • 2017 ~ Itinerant exhibition Images-Valises. Curated by Fotokino. Provence-Alpes-Côte d’Azur, France.

  • 2017 ~ Dreams are for real. Bily Contemporary Art Work. Commonplaces art gallery. Brussels, Belgium.

  • 2016 ~ Exhibition at the Illustration Festival Cinq sur cinq, Fotokino. Marseille, France.

  • 2016 ~ Collective exhibition Parcours d’artistes de Saint Gilles. Brussels, Belgium.

  • 2016 ~ PhD students exhibition. Exposer/démontrer. Les écarts de la recherche en art. Dexia Art Center. Brussels, Belgium.

  • 2015 ~ Ilustrísima. Salón del dibujo y la ilustración. Museo ABC. Madrid, Spain.

  • 2015 ~ Stripart. XX Mostra d’art jove Horta-Guinardó. Centre civic Guinardó. Barcelona, Spain.

  • 2014 ~ Collective exhibition. Parcours d’artistes de Saint Gilles. Brussels, Belgium.


  • France ~ Studio Fotokino, Marseille (2016); Lycée de Dembeni, Mayotte(2018); Festival Raccord(s), Paris (2020); Lec Festival, Cognac (2020);  Les jolis mots de mai, Salon du livre jeunesse, Montauban (2021); Petite Bibliothèque Ronde, Paris (2021); Médiathèque Jacques Brel, Neuville-sur-Saône (2022); Le salon du livre d’Abbeville (2023).

  • Belgium ~ A.S.B.L. Le Wolf (2013); A.S.B.L. Animation et Créativité (2013) ; A.S.B.L. Jeunesse à Bruxelles (2015) ; Le Brass, Centre culturel de Forest (2017) ; Libraire le rat conteur (2017) ; La Tricoterie - Fabrique de liens (2018); Plataforme culturel Le Vecteur (2018) ; Foire du Livre de Bruxelles (2018, 2019) ; A.S.B.L  Ateliers de Colipain (2018); Auteurs en Classe, FWB, École Communale Peter-Pan, Athenée Royale Victor Horta (2020); Instituto Cervantes de Bruselas (2022).

  • Spain ~ Balia por la infancia, Madrid (2005-2007) ; V Jornadas de Literatura Infantil y Juvenil de Extremadura,
    Cáceres (2016).


  • 2022 ~ Finalist at the Bologna Children's Book Fair Illustrators Exhibition.

  • 2021 ~ Finalist at the Bologna Children's Book Fair Illustrators Exhibition.

  • 2018 ~ Laureate Bourse Découverte. Bourse de soutien à la création en littérature de jeunesse.
    Ministry of Culture, Féderation Wallonie - Bruxelles, Belgium.

  • 2016 ~ Finalist laureate at Images-Valises. Studio Fotokino, Marseille, France.

  • 2016 ~ Selected at VII Catálogo Iberoamericano de Ilustración. Fundación SM, El Ilustradero and Feria Internacional del Libro de Guadalajara. Mexico.


  • Balkan Project, Live multidisciplinary performance (music, storytelling and illustration). Belgium - Greece. Kalliopi Bolovinou, flute; Yiannis Efstathopoulos, guitar; Olivier Francart, storyteller; Teresa Arroyo, illustration; Cécile Delberghe, director ; Cédric Alen, lighting desk, sound controls and video. With the collaboration of Asbl Kaléidoscope  and the supported by the Service Général de la Creation
     Artistique de la WFB.


  • 2016 ~ El ilustrador, un creador polivalente. Un encuentro no casual entre el lenguaje verbal y visual. V Jornadas de Literatura Infantil y Juvenil en Extremadura. Spain.

  • 2014 ~ Alteridad y singularidad. Una analogía entre las figuras sociales del artista y del extranjero. ULB, Brussels, Belgium.


  • 2022 May ~ Illustrez les vitrines des villages de demain. Communauté de Communes Culture Bastides de Lomagne, Gers, Occitanie, France.

  • 2019 February ~ Résidence de création multidisciplinaire, Balkan Project. La maison qui chante, Bruselas, Bélgica.

  • 2018 June ~ Résidence de création multidisciplinaire, Balkan Project. Espace de Cultures "Columban", Wavre, Belgium.


TERESA'S LIFE ~ 24 hours

  • 08.00h ~ ¡Ring Ring! Time to get up!

  • 08.10h ~ A really warm shower.

  • 08.30h ~ My morning motivation, breakfast: lemon juice, oatmeal with yogurt, jam and dried fruits, toasted bread with olive oil and Spanish ham and coffee.

  • 9.00h ~ Check my schedule, answer mails, make some calls…

  • 09.30h ~ Time to work! Drawing, painting… (sometimes I go to the swimming pool before working).

  • 10.30h ~ I am not sure about this project… I need my morning dose of caffeine (and I continue working).

  • 13.00h ~ Lunchtime and another coffee, which is essential so as not to fall asleep.

  • 14.00h ~ Back to work. It’s getting better…  I scan my drawings and I reedit them with the computer.

  • 19.00h ~ Some days I go to my bookbinding evening class, sometimes I go out to have a drink,and other times I work until late. Being and illustrator… you always know when you start but never when you will finish.


